Hopea brachyptera

Where is this tree found?

One of the rarest Philippine Dipterocarps only known from two localities on the Philippines’ southern island of Mindanao.

In 2013, it was collected for the first time in 99 years in the island’s lowland primary forest.

Why save this tree?

Habitat loss from expanding agricultural activities in the region has resulted in this species only persisting in two localities. There are thought to be no more than 2,500 adults now remaining in the wild.

There is suspected to be limited genetic transfer between the two populations and urgent action is required to increase the genetic diversity of the remaining individuals.

In addition to the loss of its habitat, it is also targeted for its timber which is used for building houses.


The Philippines






How to save this species

Building local knowledge is important for the long-term conservation of this species. Local communities will be equipped with the skills to grow the species in community nurseries. Selling saplings will also provide an additional source of income.

Working with local authorities, local ordinances for the protection of the species will be prepared. Natural populations will also be increased through reinforcement planting and facilitating natural regeneration.

$ 120000 /yr
cost to save the species
7 years
duration of the project

A systematic, cost-effective, and rational approach

Partners for Hopea brachyptera

Sponsors for Hopea brachyptera